Sunday, 25 September 2011

Stockbridge - 2nd weekend

Unfortunately due to recently starting a new job I didn't stay the whole week at Stockbridge. I returned on Wednesday evening in time for Curry night, yum! We then had entertainment Thursday night which was awesome!

We knew we had a hard time trying to match the previous weekends results. We had Piper and Bonnie back so were able to put in the 4 teams. Rockets (Diefer, Merlin, Bonnie, Loki) managed a best ever time of 17.79secs and came 3rd. Diefer ran well, katie had been pestering her mum to run him back to a 2nd ball which really made a difference and he ran quite a few 4.3s. Good old extraset who we expected to struggle without Jemma or Merlin came 2nd with a best time of 19.68secs. Missiles also managed 2nd with a best time of 24.64secs.

Ballistics (Piper, Asher, Shani, Lacy, Luna) had a tough day. Asher had been fine all week and had done some runs the day before to work on box and stuff but when it came to racing he seemed ok in the warm up and 1st leg but then dropped drastically down to 4.3. We did 16.71 despite this (honestly think the world is against us doing any superfast times!), he then sat out the next race and I tried him in the final race of the morning but he still didn't seem right so I pulled him out for the rest of the day. I wondered if maybe I had overworked him the day before and felt mega guilty especially with the Champs a week away. The rest of the team had a thrilling 5legger last race against Stars but they just had us by a nose so we ended up 2nd. On the plus side Piper hit his 1st sub 4s by doing 3.94 twice, a 3.96 and a 3.98 :)

Stockbridge - 1st weekend

This was so long ago now, I remember very little. We were missing a few dogs so didn't have Rockets in. Merlin went in to Extraset and ran a PB of 4.35secs over 9" and then ran 4.38secs 3times in a row in the last race, clever spanner. Sonny also started to come in to his own and ran pretty consistent 4.4s. This contributed to Extraset coming 1st with a best ever of 18.74secs.

Diefer and Loki went in to Ballistics with Asher, Shani, Lacy and Luna. I couldn't get there until just after 9am due to being at work so missed the 1st race against Essex which we unfortunately lost. We got there in time for 2nd race where we got our act together and did 16.66. We won all our races after that including a very close last race against Stars to come 1st.

Missiles also had a great day winning all their races to come 1st so we had a clean sweep :)

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Trying to Catch Up... Newlands Farm 23/24th July

Oh dear, I've got really behind!

Well, at Newlands farm we only had 2 teams as we were missing the Missiles and most of the 1st team. Rockets were Saturday and Extraset were Sunday. I went Saturday to run Elliot with Diefer, Merlin and Loki. The dogs all ran really well together and despite the ground not looking like it would run fast we managed to better our seed time to 17.91secs. I don't really remember much else about the day, other than we won all our races and therefore won the division :).

I missed Extraset (Sonny, Perry, Smartie, Jamie) running Sunday but apparently the dogs raced well, they just found it a little tough without having Jemma and came 5th.

Wow that was pretty brief for me!